Career Development and Consultancy Services (CDCS)
Career Development & Consultancy Services is a business entity founded by a group of two South Sudanese individuals with distinct academic backgrounds, work experiences and interaction with communities, religious institutions, government institutions, national and international non-governmental organizations and business owners at different levels. The idea of establishing this firm was conceived way back after the duo completed their first degrees from Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda. However, the idea could not be put in practice until October 2012 when a contemplative meeting was held resulting to consolidating the name to Career Development and Consultancy Services (CDCS) and subsequently its vision, mission, goal, objectives, values, , and motto among others.
Our Vision
Leader in opening career opportunities to starters in the Republic of South Sudan.
Our Mission
Creating and instilling confidence in people of need by providing career development, training, job placement, consultancy and services delivery.
Our Goal
To effectively direct the human resources for better utilization of their knowledge and skills towards economic growth in the Republic of South Sudan.
Our Specific Objectives
- To provide career development and mentorship to the needy people in the Republic of South Sudan.
- To link qualified but yet unemployed South Sudanese to potential employers.
- To unveil the hidden knowledge and skills in people, communities and institutions.
- To impart knowledge and skills to people through specialized trainings that are tailored towards quality job performance.
- To uncover or discover hidden thematic issues that affect communities for informed planning, action and country development.
Our Values
- Innovation
- Quality driven
- Customer satisfaction
- Professionalism
Our Services
- Career Development and Mentorship
- Recruitment and Job Placement
- Training (staff induction, skills/capacity development)
- Secretarial and Information Technology (IT)
- Project Development and Management
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit
- Counselling and Guidance
- Research, Documentation and Information Dissemination
Career Development and Mentorship | Recruitment and Job Placement | Counselling and guidance | Project development and management
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126Projects Count Having been Completed
Mr. Imran Ejotre
Social Entrepreneur
Mr. Boboya James Edimond
Support Advisor for International Media Support
Malish Obede Julius Eresto
Intercultural Conflict Management and Social Action